North American User Community

North American User Community

The ProjectLibre team was co-founded in Silicon Valley.  We have traditionally seen over 40% of the users in our open source projects come from the United States.  We will be posting NA specific information in the User Group.  You can join other groups as well if you are interested.


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ProjectLibre source code released

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The ProjectLibre team is pleased to announce the source code for ProjectLibre has been posted for the public.  We have posted it at the Sourceforge project site.


Progress with the ProjectLibre release

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A quick update on the progress with the ProjectLibre release.  We are seeing great progress and I just received the latest version. There are some pesky bugs in the ribbon UI that preclude downloads quite yet but we are on target to release this month.  I am including a screenshot.


OpenProj founder comments

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The OpenProj team has a long history in project management dating back to the mainframe and DOS days.  Marc O'Brien even worked with IBM 3090 versions of project sheduling software.  Laurent Chretienneau worked on the first internet PERT chart (Network Diagram).  These guys are old!!!!!!


Jumpstarting our community

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In the ProjectLibre community, all content is all created within the context of a "Group". Start exploring how to use your site by: