European User Community

European User Community

The ProjectLibre team has a strong focus on building the European Community.  We are co-founded in Europe and in the past have found our open source alternatives to be very popular on the Continent.  You can join both the Global User Group and also the European and other user groups.  We will be posting specific information relative to your user goup.

image group

ProjectLibre: European community update

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Thank you for being part of the ProjectLibre community!  I am one of the co-founders of ProjectLibre and my other co-founder is based in France.  We have worked together for many years and have done significant business in Europe.  It is a special place for me having run companies in France and G


ProjectLibre video introduction

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Full documentation available for community members. Become a community member by clicking here 

The documentation link is under the Community menu above.  This link is hidden if you are not logged into the ProjectLibre community.


ProjectLibre new release 1.9.2

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The ProjectLibre team is focused on releasing the Cloud beta. However, the team who works 7 days a week is dedicated to being responsive to the community.


ProjectLibe: how to use Calendars video

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ProjectLibre is continuing to publish video assistance on how to use different features.  This topic is on Calendars.  It covers Base Calendars, Project Calendars, Task Calendars and Resource Calendars.  It explains and shows how it effects the project schedule. 


ProjectLibre Cloud beta update

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The team has been making great progress with ProjectLibre Cloud.  It is a multi-project and team project management solution in the cloud.  ProjectLibre Cloud is browser based.  We are using it internally and it is terrific!  A common comparison is Google Docs -vs- Microsoft Word and ProjectLibre


Discussion threads closed due to spam and advertising

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It is a shame bad actors are spamming the discussion forums.  We don't have a lot of bandwidth right now due to the Cloud development efforts.  In the future we will reopen the discussion forum.  There is an introductory video https://www.



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Hello everybody. my o.s. is win10

How can I create the S-line in projectlibre from the gantt ? My activities include the cost, duratin,.. and I can show the column 'cost' in the window


Date Format [Again]

3 comment(s)

Hi All,

Can anyone tell me either as a proper fix or Java hack, how to change the default long date format including time to a simple date in Project Libre 1.7  


Liste de ressources

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Bonjour, Comment ajouter une liste de ressource (par exemple une liste de collaborateurs d'un fichier excel) dans le tableau ressources d'un projet? Est-ce possible? Comment ranger par ordre alphabétique la liste de ressources?


Days and Dates jumbled up

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I am new to this great product but when i open up a new project the days and dates are jumbled up and i cannot see them clearly at all.


Do i have to change some settings or is there an issue with my download

using surface pro 4