European User Community

European User Community

The ProjectLibre team has a strong focus on building the European Community.  We are co-founded in Europe and in the past have found our open source alternatives to be very popular on the Continent.  You can join both the Global User Group and also the European and other user groups.  We will be posting specific information relative to your user goup.

image group

Time settings

0 comment(s)

Hi is there a possibility to blend out the time in Hours like 8:00 - 17:00, its for me unnecceary information on the chart


Where to find a sample project?

0 comment(s)

Is there somewhere a sample project file which contains all major features of ProjectLibre?


Where can I download it?




FF and SS Dependencies

0 comment(s)

Hi, I am just starting with project libre, and everything looks great, easy to use; Thanks for this great tool!!

Iam having a problem with task dependencies, and, if someone could help me, it would be great.

I ll try and explain it simply ))


Progress Dropline

0 comment(s)

I'm a new user and need to add a dropline to report progress.  I have done this easily in the past with Asta Powerproject.  Does Project Libre have the same function?




dependencies between tasks

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I am new to Project Libre and I need to set up to depencies for the start of one task. Tasks 3 and 4 need to be terminated before task 2 can start.

I have one dépendency already entered. How can I add the second one :


Do you know change interface language to spanish (español)

4 comment(s)

Part-Time Resources

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I have a question regarding the best way to reflect part time workers in a project.


i.e. I have someone working three days a week. With that he will probably take 3 weeks to complete a task.


Gantt Labels

2 comment(s)

I created this discussion a couple of days ago, with an explanatory screenshot, but it seems to have been deleted. Peculiar, but there you go.


Printing Tasks only

2 comment(s)

Is there a way to only print the tasks without the accompanying ghant chart? i want to share a list of tasks with the team without the need at this stage to look at timescales


Define default day length

6 comment(s)


I am a brand new user of ProjectLibre, so firstly hello!

Apologies if this is something which has been asked before - I've had a quick check of the discussions but can't see anything related - please do point me in the right direction if I've missed something though.